Online viewers are just tourists who are looking for exciting new websites to explore. But unless your website is the internet’s answer to ‘The Great Barrier Reef’; It’s unlikely they are going to stumble upon your wonderful pages naturally. So, let’s talk about how to achieve higher traffic flow with SEO- A genuine answer to free online marketing.
If you want to be number one or rank-highly in the Google search-engine results (who doesn’t) It’s important to bust the number-one greatest myth currently out- there; That SEO is “all about choosing the right keywords.” Despite that many websites will tell you this, choosing, researching and creating great content isn’t the only thing that lifts your search engines results- That’s only one half of the picture.
The other part of ranking-highly in the search engines comes down to code. Websites that are coded with back-end development can score higher than websites that are based on visual templates, (like those available on Wordpress.) Having higher search engine rankings can be a real competitive advantage; economically, stylistically and credibility-wise. Having the right code for your website is guaranteed to heighten your online visitor traffic from local-lighthouse to popular eiffel-tower.
Whether you are already number one and want to reflect your leadership-status online, or you are just starting out and want to climb to the top- We can easily assist you with SEO. Check out the following three ways below:
Everything that appears on your website has the ability to show-up in the search-engines. That includes elements such as PDFS, videos, images and even fonts too. The only thing is, that, in order to be discovered? Each of these elements need to be listed in a way that the search engines can recognise…..At YNW, the main content of your site is better assisted by code in HTML (the most common mark-up language.) The back-end coding assists for your HTML mark-ups to be discoverable and so-called ‘indexed.’ When using custom-cde SEO, be prepared for people to click on your site from Google images and alternative organic sources in addition to those with direct links to your homepage.
Most people think that web development is all about the scenery. That making the website look-good is the key to making visitors approve; But as imperative as it is to receive visual approval- Visual appearance is only the beginning. The back-end of your website is where the internet traffic grows. Custom-Code will ensure that your SEO rankings are always in the ‘green’ when it comes to (so that lots of customers can find you.) Initially, there is a-lot more coding work to be done upfront and this can incur a higher cost due to web developer time, however, the outcome is far more likely to convert. Many websites without custom code are generally under ‘60’ on and without extra programing, they are easily missing out on good sales opportunities.
CMS (content management system) refers to the platform that hosts templated sites commonly known as Squarespace, Wordpress or Wix etc. They are able to accommodate a basic level of SEO and with creative copywriting, can become recognised on Google. They are even able to support businesses to get online with a lower budget, but that said- With many less-effective plug-ins, we don’t generally recommend CMS backed websites as a permanent solution.
Businesses that are pre-established or within a highly competitive industry are more likely to need a custom-website from the get-go. And given that Wordpress
sites require a number of plug-ins in order to work effectively (see our blog post here,) we actually believe that whether you are a brand new business or a long-term operator- It’s simply better to go with a custom-coded website upfront. This will lift you out of the many and into the few, where you can win more sales and benefit from a higher performing website.
Nobody wants their business to lie at the bottom of the search-engine results. That’s why we create custom back-end code. It ensures that your business website will remain prominent as if it is the Eiffel Tower standing-out among the rooftops. YNW custom-code will create SEO success. The higher the SEO, the more that new business will flow; all you need to do is ride the wave to better online traffic. Greater opportunities for sales and all the more ability to become a top-clicked website do exist, and it all comes down to custom-code.
If you want to find out how custom code can assist your SEO, why not get in contact for a friendly, no obligation chat? We’re happy to discuss any ideas you might have.
Make a phone call or shoot us through an email here.
Commented 333 days ago
Commented 121 days ago